
Featured on Ben Greenfield Life: How Amarasate in Calocurb Naturally Suppresses Appetite

Featured on Ben Greenfield Life: How Amarasate in Calocurb Naturally Suppresses Appetite


1. What is Amarasate (the active ingredient in Calocurb)?
Amarasate is a plant-based appetite suppressant derived from hops. It triggers the release of satiety hormones GLP-1, CCK, and PYY to reduce hunger and cravings naturally.

2. How does Amarasate work?
Amarasate stimulates the release of satiety hormones in the small intestine, which signals the brain to reduce appetite and food intake.

3. Is Amarasate safe?
Yes, Amarasate is a natural compound with a low risk of side effects. Clinical trials have shown it to effectively reduce appetite without significant adverse effects.

4. How should I take Calocurb?
The recommended dose is two capsules taken on an empty stomach about an hour before meals, twice daily. This allows the compound to reach the small intestine and trigger hormone release.

5. Can Amarasate help with fasting?
Yes, Amarasate has been shown to reduce hunger and food cravings during fasting periods, making it easier to maintain longer fasts.



In a recent episode of the Ben Greenfield Life podcast, Ben Greenfield interviewed Dr. Edward Walker, the scientist who helped discover and develop Amarasate, the active ingredient in Calocurb. Our groundbreaking plant-based appetite suppressant is now helping people manage hunger naturally.

Let’s break down the podcast's key points, which explores how Amarasate works, its benefits, and the science behind it.

Understanding Amarasate and Its Origins

Amarasate is derived from a specific variety of hops grown in Nelson, New Zealand. Dr. Walker's journey with Amarasate began in 2009, funded by a New Zealand government grant aimed at discovering natural appetite suppressants. By 2010, his team was focused on plant compounds that could help with weight loss by suppressing appetite.

The research led them to explore the natural suppressant properties of plants. Historically, various cultures have used highly bitter foods to manage hunger during times of scarcity. The bitter compounds in Amarasate (derived from hops) stimulate the release of satiety hormones, providing a natural and effective way to control appetite.

The Science Behind Amarasate

1. Clinical Trials and Findings: Dr. Walker's team initially conducted several clinical trials to understand Amarasate's effectiveness:

Study Design: Twenty participants were given a standardized breakfast followed by a Calocurb capsule. They then had an "eat till full" lunch and snack.

Results: Participants consumed 18% fewer calories across both meals when taking Amarasate than a placebo. Additionally, their levels of GLP-1 and CCK hormones increased significantly, indicating a strong appetite-suppressing effect.

2. Hormonal Impact:
Amarasate triggers the release of three key satiety hormones:

  1. GLP-1 (Glucagon-Like Peptide-1): Enhances feelings of fullness.
  2. CCK (Cholecystokinin): Slows down gastric emptying and promotes satiety.
  3. PYY (Peptide YY): Reduces appetite by signaling the brain to stop eating.

Benefits of Amarasate

Natural Appetite Suppressant: Unlike synthetic appetite suppressants like Ozempic, Amarasate works by boosting the body's natural satiety signals without long-term side effects. This makes it a safer and more natural option for managing hunger and reducing calorie intake.

Supports Weight Loss: Consuming fewer calories can help individuals manage their weight more effectively. The clinical trials demonstrated that participants naturally ate less when taking Calocurb, which could lead to significant weight loss over time.

Improved Blood Glucose Management: Amarasate helps with appetite control and positively impacts blood glucose levels. Participants showed reduced glucose and insulin levels post-meal, which is beneficial for overall metabolic health.

How to Use Amarasate

Timing and Dosage: Dr. Walker recommends taking Calocurb on an empty stomach about an hour before meals. This allows the bitter compounds to reach the small intestine and trigger the release of satiety hormones. The standard dose is two capsules, and most users take it before two main meals of the day (four capsules daily).

Fasting Support: Calocurb can also be effective during fasting periods. Studies have shown that it significantly reduces hunger and food cravings, making it easier to maintain longer fasting intervals.

Comparing Amarasate with Synthetic Alternatives

Ozempic vs. Amarasate: While both Ozempic and Amarasate work on the GLP-1 pathway, Amarasate offers a more balanced approach by also activating CCK and PYY. This reduces the likelihood of side effects like nausea, which are common with synthetic GLP-1 agonists. Additionally, Amarasate's natural hormone stimulation aligns better with the body's physiological processes, avoiding the 24/7 elevation seen with drugs like Ozempic.

Future Research and Potential

Upcoming Studies: Dr. Walker's team is continually exploring new applications and benefits of Amarasate. Current research includes a weight loss trial with 150 participants to evaluate long-term effects on body composition.

Amarasate, the active ingredient in Calocurb, represents a significant advancement in natural appetite suppression and hunger management. With its strong scientific backing and promising clinical trial results, Calocurb offers a safe and effective way to control hunger and support weight loss. Whether you're looking to manage your weight, improve your metabolic health, or enhance your fasting regimen, Amarasate provides a natural solution grounded in rigorous research.

For more information on Calocurb’s Amarasate and its benefits, visit Ben Greenfield Life and check out the full podcast episode with Dr. Edward Walker.

Use the code BEN10 for 10% off your first Calocurb purchase.*

For any additional questions or personalized advice, feel free to contact the Calocurb team at

*Not applicable for subscription orders.